The unexpected benefits of avocado during pregnancy.

When you’re pregnant, finding quick and simple ways to improve your health and nutrition is super important. Here we share the unexpected benefits of avocado during pregnancy.

The benefits of avocado during pregnancy

It will come as no surprise that, here at Avocaderia, we are the biggest advocates for the advantages of eating avocados. They’re delicious, versatile and packed full of health benefits. But, did you also know that eating avocados can also keep you and your baby healthy during pregnancy? 

What are the benefits of avocado during pregnancy? Avocados are bursting with healthy fats, as well as essential nutrients, such as potassium and folate. These elements all play a crucial role in the growth and development of a fetus.

Avocados can impact your health in a range of fantastic ways, making them a brilliant choice for pregnancy. Here are 10 reasons why bringing avocado into your diet could help keep you and your baby happy and healthy.

Are avocados safe during pregnancy?

Benefits of avocado during pregnancy

Yes! Unless your Doctor has advised differently, avocados are safe to add into your diet during pregnancy as they contain high amounts of the key nutrients needed to support a healthy pregnancy, including folate and potassium. Both folate and potassium are crucial for fetal growth and development, and so this superfood is ideal for maternal diets.

10 benefits of eating avocado during pregnancy.

#1 - Avocados are full of healthy fat.

Fat is very important during pregnancy; extra calories are necessary for the growth of the fetus, and healthy fats are a good way of gaining those calories.

Healthy fats - in this case, monounsaturated fats - will help you up your fat intake without all the ‘bad stuff’ that comes with it. Avocados also include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids - both of which are incredibly beneficial for you and your unborn child.

#2 - They can aid digestion.

It isn’t uncommon to find yourself with stomach illnesses and constipation during pregnancy. The rich fiber and magnesium content that is found in avocados will actually help this, as it aids digestion and eases bowel movements.

#3 - Avocados can help with morning sickness.

Morning sickness can be debilitating in the early stages of pregnancy, leaving you totally fatigued throughout the first trimester. Avocados are full of vitamin-C and vitamin B6, which can alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness and help your body better absorb the vitamins found in fruit and vegetables.

#4 - They are rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are necessary compounds to protect us against cellular damage. Avocados are particularly rich in the antioxidant carotenoid lutein, a source for eye development and brain function with the fetus.

These antioxidants are also found in breast milk, and their levels are directly linked to the mother’s intake. Therefore, by eating more avocados beyond pregnancy and into the phase of breastfeeding, you can also increase the carotenoid level of your breast milk; a key component to a baby’s growth and development.

#5 - They can treat anemia.

Pregnant women can become iron deficient, which can lead to anemia. Avocados contain high levels of iron; the amount necessary to maintain healthy iron levels during pregnancy.

#6 - Avocados can relieve leg cramps.

You may be surprised to learn that avocados contain more potassium than bananas. Potassium (and calcium) can help ease cramping; something which is common during pregnancy. Leg cramps in particular are a common system, and avocados provide much-needed relief from this uncomfortable, often painful ache. 

#7 - They can boost fetal brain development.

A growing fetus needs fat to develop its brain in a healthy way - a single cup of avocado contains 22mg of choline, the necessary amount needed for fetal brain and nerve development. Plus, iron (found in avocados) is also vital for proper brain, neurological and red blood cell development.

#8 - Avocados lower the risk of excessive weight gain.

Avocados are high in dietary fiber, and this means they can actually lower the chances of unwanted weight gain. Their high fiber, healthy fat and nutrient content can also create feelings of fullness, enabling you to stay energized throughout the day while maintaining a healthy weight (for you and your baby).

#9 - They can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

Again, the high fiber content in avocados can have enormous health benefits, including reducing your risk of gestational diabetes. Half an avocado contains 6-7 grams of fiber, which scientists have linked to a significantly lower risk of diabetes and its complications.

#10 - Avocados are easy to incorporate into your diet.

The last thing you want when you’re growing a baby is to spend hours and hours in the kitchen or the grocery store meticulously planning out a baby-friendly diet.

The good news is that avocados are super versatile - you can add them into just about anything. Whether you want a healthy snack or a full blown meal, there are an abundance of ways you can bring avocado into your pregnancy diet.

Quick and easy ways to add avocado into your maternal diet.

Benefits of avocado during pregnancy

So, you know now that avocado can work wonders for you and your baby - fantastic! Now it’s time to weave this creamy fruit into your maternal diet. A few delicious ways you can enjoy avocado include:

  • Avocado on toast

  • Guacamole

  • Avocado smoothie

  • Avocado salad

  • Stuffed avocado

  • Avocado chips

  • As a mayo-substitute

  • In soups

  • Grilled or roasted

  • Avocado hummus

  • Avocado as a topping

Why not take a look at our menu for some inspiration (or, you know, to treat yourself)?

The bottom line is this: avocados are the superstar of the kitchen. Thanks to their nutrient-high, antioxidant, healthy fat content, they’re the perfect food to enjoy during pregnancy.


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